Everyday Sports
Spiegel Magazin
A report about sports in everyday life and in which ways exercising can improve the individual lives. How to motivate yourself for exercising through out the day and how to develop the right attitude, so you have fun while doing it.

7-9/ Martin works as a bicycle courier in Dresden. He has always enjoyed cycling and - after dropping out of university five years ago - has turned his hobby into a profession.
10-17/ Sophia Jäger aka "Chains Awful" has been riding roller derby, a full-contact sport in which five players on a team skate on an oval track, for three years. The goal is to out-skate the opposing team.
18-24/ Alleine does home workouts regularly because it saves time and money. She also feels more comfortable alone because she doesn't have to worry about how she looks. She has already lost 12 kilograms.